
金久弥生 教授



  • 博士(歯学)2010年2月 広島大学足球现场直播,足球直播360
  • 修士(マネジメント)2005年3月 広島大学足球现场直播,足球直播360
  • 学士(教養)2009年3月 放送大学
  • Mayumi Sakamoto, Yutaka Watanabe, Ayako Edahiro, Keiko Motokawa, Maki Shirobe, Hirohiko Hirano, Kayoko Ito, Yayoi Kanehisa, Ritsuko Yamada, Akihiro Yoshihara:SELF-FEEDING ABILITY AS A PREDICTOR OF MORTALITY JAPANESE NURSING-HOME RESIDENTS: A TWO-YEAR LONGITUDINAL STUDY: A two-year longitudinal study. The journal of nutrition, health & aging.2018.

  • Yoshida M, Kanehisa Y, Ozaki Y, Iwasa Y, Fukuizumi T, Kikutani T.:One-leg standing time with eyes open: comparison between the mouth-opened and mouth-closed conditions. Cranio.33, 15-18, 2015.

  • 金久弥生:超高齢社会における歯科補綴治療:歯科衛生士からの提案.日本補綴歯科学会誌.7,106-108,2015.

  • Hikiji H, Kubota K, Takahashi Y, Kanehisa Y, Yoshino K, Sonoki K, Chiwata K, Inoue H, Tsujisawa T, Akifusa S, Kakinoki Y, Nishihara T, Fukuda J. :Perspectives on a New Educational System for Dental Hygiene Students in Japan. Journal of Dental Education.53, 565-573, 2011.

  • Kanehisa Y, Yoshida M, Taji T, Akagawa Y, Nakamura H.: Body weight and serum albumin change after prosthodontic treatment among institutionalized elderly in a long-term care geriatric hospital. Community Dentistry Oral Epidemiology, 37, 534–538, 2009.

  • Yoshida M, Morikawa H, Kanehisa Y, Taji T, Tsuga K. and Akagawa Y.: Functional dental occlusion may prevent falls in elderly individuals with dementia. Jouranal of the American Geriatric Society. 53, 1631,2005.